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“What I Learned as a Menu Designs Intern”

In previous blog posts, you may have read that I have interns working with me in the Marketing department. This is a new program for David Dobbs Enterprises, and I am happy that we have taken it on. In a full school year (two school semesters) that this internship has been in place, I have had the privilege of working with three amazing interns from Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida. As this semester comes to an end, I am going to have to say “goodbye” to my two current interns as they go on to do great things in the world!

Since the inception of the internship, Sierra Aitken has been our intern, and she worked two semesters on the Menu Designs side of the company. It’s been great working with her and in this blog post I wanted to take a break from our normal posts, and share excerpts of what she wrote as some of the highlights of being an intern at Menu Designs.

What I Learned as a Menu Designs Intern

by Sierra Aitken

I look back at the past year I have spent as an intern at Menu Designs and reflect on all of the useful marketing tips and tools I have learned. It is a lot to cover! However, practicing with these new skills and working to enhance the marketing efforts of the company almost every day has equipped me with the proper marketing toolbox to make it in this industry. Let’s just say I am a different person now than I was the first day I walked through the doors of Menu Designs.

My mentor, Jamie Douglas, has taught me to use efficient programs in order to schedule content across all social media accounts. With this, came a lot of content creation! You would be surprised how much marketers need to write quality content. It became hard at times to think of something fresh and new to post every time. However, the results on our social platforms are totally worth it. After all, because of our efforts, Menu Designs was named one of “The Best Small Business Blogs of 2017" by Fit Small Business!

My most memorable day on the job was the day that Twitter updated its platform and allowed us to post pictures without adding to our character count in a tweet. What a day that was! I had more space to tweet updates about our products AND add a visual. Although a picture is worth a thousand words, on Twitter, it’s worth zero in the best way possible.

Besides, creating social media content, I also learned about back linking and the importance of being noticed by other reputable companies in order to increase our quality score on Google. This, and having a responsive and well-designed website, optimizes our search engine results or SEO. This bumps Menu Designs up the search results list when people look for anything having to do with menu products.

All in all, I am very happy with my time at Menu Designs, and am sad to see it coming to a close. I want to thank Menu Designs for teaching me so much, for a great working experience and corporate culture, and for the friendships I made along the way.

Thanks Sierra for all your hard work at Menu Designs; we will miss you!

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